Monday, December 31, 2018

Starting Over - It Only Gets Better!

At the age of 38 I left the only career I had ever known to start over. Like many people I was looking for a better standard of living for both myself and my family. I had invested over 20 years in a military career and was at the top of my chosen field -- for which I received about $40,000 a year. Although the thought of starting over when I was almost 40 was daunting, I set a goal to make $100,000 a year within five years, hung up my guns, and ventured into civilian life. That was 20 years ago. I hit my goal of $100,000 a year in less than three years and went on to become a corporate director with a salary of over $200,000 a year in just over 10 years. But that's a story for another time. This article is about starting over.
In the past 20 years I have learned that there really is no starting over in life. We torture ourselves with self-depreciating thoughts that we have failed, wasted x number of years, or squandered our youth climbing the wrong mountain. When, in reality, we have gained new viewpoints, new skills, and new energetic patterns. You see, you can't start over because every day when the sun rises, you start from where you are and where you are changes with every life experience. I'm sure you've heard people say "if I could only go back to when I was 17 and do it again, things would be different!" But, as we know, we can't! It's the same with thinking you have to start over; it's not only a misperception, it's impossible! There is no regression - life moves forward!
If you have saved your money for the past 20 years to buy a house and then you change your mind and decide to buy a boat, do you tell yourself that you are starting over? No! You are simply redirecting your investment toward a new goal. It's the same with life. If you have invested the past 20 years running a log mill and now you want to sell real estate, do you tell yourself that you are starting over? Yes, most people do, and that's the flawed premise! The energetic truth is that you are simply redirecting your investment toward a new goal. In those 20 years running the log mill you learned supply & demand, interpersonal communications, finance, planning, and a host of other things. You also developed your intuition, learned the value of integrity, made friends, fell in love, walked your dog, and marveled at nature. All of those things changed who you are both intellectually and spiritually. Given all those millions of events, experiences, and feelings, you could not go back to who you were 20 years ago and start over if your life depended on it! As Dr. Wayne Dyer was famous for saying "if you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change." You did not spend 20 years, you invested 20 years. You are not starting over, you are redirecting your investment toward a new goal.
And one more thing (my tribute to Steve Jobs), you are never too old to redirect your investment toward a new goal. I'm 58 and planning to redirect my investments from the past 40 years into a new goal. I'll check back in with you in 2038 and let you know how it went!

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Thursday, December 27, 2018

Wisdom From the Universe: Discover Your Life's Purpose

Do you look at your life now and wonder how you have ever reached this point in time? Do you examine your career and see nothing but failures? Are you approaching an age when many begin to think about retirement, yet you have not had a fulfilling job? Has your life and/or career been interrupted, perhaps more than once, with unforeseen circumstances? Or have you just begun your career and believe you have no idea what it is you are supposed to do in life and you feel a sense of wandering and aimlessness?
It would seem as if these are legitimate questions for any person to ask as part of a natural self-assessment phase in their life or career. Yet these commonly asked questions are based upon the essence of self-doubt and nothing more. The problem is not a life, career, or job not being fully realized. The problem is also not knowing where to start a career or job either. The heart of the issue is a failure to understand what the true purpose of life is all about.
A universal truth is this: Man is programmed to believe life occurs in one certain manner and this indoctrination occurs at birth, continues past infancy and into childhood through stories and books, and then confirmed through institutions such as religious, educational, and governmental. These institutions all reinforce the societal expectations and norms regarding right and wrong, good and bad behaviors, and how the path is established and to be followed for becoming a productive member of society.
People find they either fit in or they do not, and those who do not then find they are at odds with society in one way or another. But the idea of just living is not part of the societal plan. A person is expected to become something, have something, and claim they have accomplished something in their life.
When a person struggles with meeting that goal, what do they think? They often question themselves, cast self-doubt, start using blame, and seek guidance. Most who seek spiritual guidance believe they are living according to someone or some other being's plan, the supreme being who created all the universe and to this being they must pray. So if a person is not successful, logic dictates they must have done something wrong and must appease this supreme being who is likely mad or testing them for some unknown reason, withholding success from them for a greater purpose.
And so the praying, pleading, begging, and bargaining begins. It is done all in an attempt to catch the attention of a being who they believe is in control of their future and how it will play out. This person believes they have no control except to please this being and hope this supreme being will in turn grant them the life they want.
Think for a moment beyond what you have been taught if you can. Does your logical mind accept this type of reality? The reality that some being, unseen to humans, controls all of human life, dictates all their futures, and controls their outcomes?
To those who have awakened, to those who are enlightened, you know there is a being we are all connected to and it is an energy source. This energy source is the source of life. We are all made of energy. We are all part of an energy field. Energy is all around us now, unseen to the human eye. This perhaps is what many would want to call God.
Awaken to the Energy Source of Life
The energy Source of Life contains all the memories, knowledge, and wisdom of mankind. It is a Collective Consciousness consisting of positive and negative energy, just as the universe is made up of positive and negative energy. This energetic Source of Life does not control but instead is a living repository of information that all humans have access to. It is where humans originate and within it, new ideas are born, new physical forms are thought of and lives are planned, and it radiates the purest form of love.
The Collective Consciousness of Mankind flows to and through each human being, as signals received and transmitted through their brain. The mind is consciously aware of these signals as thoughts, ideas, aha moments, and instinct. It is what some would also refer to as a soul. This Collective Consciousness of Mankind does not control anything or anyone. It is an energetic repository and it is an energy core, which means it can sustain life. It can sustain the universe and all living things within it. The control is an individual basis, developed by each human through a plan or blueprint established prior to arriving in a physical form.
The information, insight, and wisdom available within this Collective Consciousness is accessible to all without restrictions. The only restrictions ever placed occur when someone doubts or closes their mind to their own ability to listen. When someone believes they can trust themselves, or rely upon themselves to find answers, then wisdom and insight can flow to and through them. This is important as anyone can access this knowledge to learn of their life and what lies ahead for them.
Learning About Your Life and Your Purpose
The most important aspect of establishing an understanding of your life, and what you are meant to do, is awakening to the realization your life is not tied to anyone else. This is especially important when you want to make comparisons to other people and what they have seemed to accomplish or gained that you have not yet achieved. Your place in life is not determined by society. Your life is not controlled by a supreme being who holds a master plan. This may seem troubling for some to read at first, but if you are reading this to begin with there is already something within you that is telling you there are greater truths available that you have yet to find.
What is expected of you as a human being can be summed up as follows: Live Your Life.
This is the only true way to experience life, by living it and experiencing it fully. If you feel a sense of failure, it is only because society wants everything a person does in their career, along with every job they have held, labeled as a success or failure. But even if you have a job and it "fails", does this mean you have failed to live your life in some manner? Are you not living your true purpose? The challenge for asking questions about having a purpose is that it sounds as if there must be something special or extraordinary accomplished with your life. In other words, you must succeed in everything you do. Every job and every task in your life must be a big win or big accomplishment.
But ask yourself this: Isn't it enough to do a good job and know you performed your best? Isn't it enough to know you lived your life as best you could each day?
Every person is living. Every person is experiencing life. But to just have a steady life with jobs, no jobs, ups, downs, successes, and failures, seems too ordinary for many people. To "do something with your life" means you have accomplished something extraordinary, and you likely live a certain lifestyle to show for it. You've built a career, climbed a corporate ladder, gained promotions, and acquired material possessions.
Learn the Secret to Life
Here is the secret to life: Your life's master plan requires no advanced planning on your part. What you have to do is accept your life now and listen for the wisdom, insight, and knowledge that is available to you through the power of your own mind. Your purpose is to live and experience life.
What can get in the way of fulfilling this goal of living in harmony with your own life? There are powerful internal and external forces which can disrupt your happiness. The first internal force is self-doubt or believing you have to be chasing after something. This is not to state that having goals is not useful. But to constantly wish for a future and then make comparisons to where you are now can be a destructive force. The opposite is true as well, when you are constantly looking back and remain stuck in past memories, reminding yourself of decisions made or not made, trying to understand why, and assessing the past, as if this can or will ever change it.
Another powerful interruption occurs whenever you give into doubt or despair, or turn control of your life over to the belief someone else is in charge. You will then find yourself stuck in a cycle of pain, frustration, and anxiety. This comes from the powerful external forces that want you to believe you are not in control of your future and must appease a supreme being in the hope you can have the life you want. When you remember you created this life and your life's plan is already set, you become resistant to those forces.
Welcome life as it is now. Your life is going to have bumps in the road so to speak, physical and emotional bruises, physical and emotional pain, joy and happiness, sorrows and loss, and so much more as part of daily living. This is part of being human. Yet this is not to say you are helpless either. You do have control as you have access to the wisdom of the Collective Consciousness of Mankind. As you learn to listen for this wisdom, you will know what actions to take and when.
You will know when you are following the right path and when to take action or make changes. You will soon discover that the need for measuring success and failure is not as important as it used to be as your fulfillment comes from a different source. It is personal fulfillment or living the life you have planned for yourself. This is how you can live your life with a sense of balance and well-being. No longer will you ask questions about where you have been or where you are going as you have established an internal sense of peace. This is what is means to discover and live your life's purpose.
I am a teacher of the Laws of the Universe, and the wisdom I share helps to address questions people have as they embark on a journey of self-discovery, self-development, and self-awakening. This knowledge is not affiliated with any religion or religious institution as it is based upon the wisdom of mankind. I do not claim to have any special powers or gifts, only a natural ability to listen to a higher frequency, and through focused listening I am able to tap into this endless source of life and wisdom. This is my story, my journey, and I am ready to share it with others. To learn more about the resources available, please visit

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Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Path to Happiness (Be Yourself)

Before I begin to share my knowledge and experience in this, I want to make it clear that I am not a highly learned individual, nor am I a reincarnation of such beings who has limitless wisdom throughout many lifetimes. This disclaimer is important, because the article is about the real you, and not someone who you'd want to be. In modern society, the scholars and pundits preach that, you should NEVER show your weakness or admit that you don't know. They consider it as a weakness and that you are setting yourself up for a failure from the beginning. But that's different in the philosophy that I practice. In my case, we were always taught to present yourself as inferior to the next person (perception is not reality), to show respect to all beings, to learn as much as you can to be better, so you can help limitless sentient beings. The danger of acting like you know everything, is that some in today's world will take it too far and stop learning. That's when it could become a tragedy. When reality sink in, and they realize that they are no better than the next person, or that they aren't well liked by others, then they resort to unimaginable things, which is a discussion for another topic. So we need to be honest with ourselves and be who we are, in order to find happiness.
So who am I and what is it that I'd like to share with you? I am a simple person just like your friends, who just happened to practice love, compassion, tolerance, un-attachment and contentment in my everyday life, to live a simple, happy, and a contented life. Over the past 40 years, I have learned to follow and practice those principles; while making mistakes, and correcting them. The goal is to become just a little smarter, happier, and more compassionate in my everyday life. I still make "unintentional" mistakes here and there, but doing my best to correct them, with remorse, and try not to repeat them again. It's like climbing a ladder of truth, without supervision. This is the foundation of seeking happiness. You need to be you, and you need to be honest with yourself. If you can't do that, then you need to be a good actor to deceive yourself, and people around you; and constantly be the person that you really aren't. That's an extremely difficult job. It's just a matter of time. Either you'll fail at it someday or someone will expose the real you and the real truth. Then instead of finding happiness, you create your own sorrow.
So what do you do, when pain and suffering strikes? How can you be you, and still tackle suffering and find happiness? How can you find happiness without pretending to be someone else? We know the easiest thing to do in such situation is to resolve to external things, beauty, and pleasure. But those are all temporary fixes to a non-temporary situation. Some advice others to renounce themselves, and take on another life, another name, and be someone else to find happiness. Some do it voluntarily to leave the self behind and become a completely different identity, with the hope that they'll leave the sorrow and pain behind as well. This is extremely dangerous. If my brother was having a difficult time in life, I wouldn't suggest him to change his name to Bill Gates, and act like Bill Gates, try to follow some religion or faith, and act like that is the savior. It's a very dangerous path that you lead someone into. Out of 1 million people who follow such advice, only 10 individuals may come out on the other side a little happier and more knowledgeable in dealing with suffering. Rest of the 999,990 will fail in such conversion and acting. This will lead to many devastating results. You may lose your family, friends, career and your precious time of your life pretending to be someone else. Worst case scenario, when you come back to the reality, would you be able to handle the reality of life again? Reality of life is Joy, Suffering, Happiness, and Pain. It's part of life. There's no escaping from that. All that glitters is not gold. You may see and envy people in power or people with money living an extravagant life. All you see is what's on the outside. You do not see their mental stress and problems. They go through the exact same joy, happiness, pain, and suffering in their life and their family's lives as we do. You need to understand that. So you can't be envious of other's glamour on Instagram or on TV. In most cases, this is exactly what they wanted you to see. Who in the world will showcase their family, business, and career problems on Instagram and TV? No one will do that. But everyone has these own issues in one form or the other. So there's no point in envying them, renouncing your life for someone else's. It won't bring you the eternal happiness.
So then how can you find the true happiness by being who you are? To practice this, you first need to come to terms with the reality of life. Reality of life is not all happiness and all fun, as mentioned before. It also has the negative side to it, which is pain and sorrow. After we accept the reality of life, then we need to find out how to avoid them, followed by how to deal with them as they come or arise. A lot of our problems are self-made. Of course those who cannot accept such statement will always find others to blame for the problems they "unintentionally" created in the first place. Let's take a simple example of stress in a business world. For a sales guy, stress in business is usually a result of not achieving the sales goals. Now the goals are set by us, humans. So you see where it's going? This is closely tied with our inability as a society to understand and practice contentment. In most cases, if you have made a decent profit in business, you shall celebrate. Now, due to our greed, we set high sales goals, and every day of our life, when we don't make that goal, we become sad and stressed. In all these days, the business is making profit, and can still function. But the only reason we are not satisfied is because of the high bar we created for ourselves. So such is a simple example of how our stress and problems are created. This is why I say that most of our stresses and issues are man-made or self-made. Now when such stress continue on a daily basis, the sales person will go home and show this unhappy attitude at home to wife and children as well. In process, he's making them all miserable. And is all caused by the human greed and not practicing contentment. There is a legitimate reason for us to feel sad, and that is when we don't succeed in business. This means, when the business is not making profit, then it's a legitimate cause for concern. In such problem, there are other solutions, which we can talk about another time. But in this example, the cause of our self-made stress is greed and our inability to practice contentment.
There are many more example of these problems that we create for ourselves in our daily lives, in many different professions. But today I just wanted to focus on finding happiness by being true to yourself and accepting the realities of life first. Always remember that the key to happiness is not located anywhere else in the world, but in your own heart. Sometimes we think money solves problems. No, trust me. Money brings temporary relief in some practical cases, but the problems of life will still be with us. So we need to be true to ourselves, in our abilities, and most importantly, we need to always find ways to better ourselves, so we can understand the true causes of our problems, and we strive to find solutions to each one of them.
May my observations and experiences help you in finding and identifying the causes of your various stresses and dealing with them in the most appropriate manner. Everything takes time. So learn by your mistake, and try not to make the same mistake again, which will eliminate one problem and stress at a time.

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Saturday, December 22, 2018

How to Transform Your Life

Have you been feeling dejected in life lately? Do you want to have a more profound life? Then get ready to exist less and to live more.
As a life coach and a keynote speaker, I believe that each one of us is meant to fulfil the individual purpose of our life. So if you want to change some significant aspects of your life to make it a better one, you need to take action today to start making alterations accordingly. Remember, it's never too late to transform your life. And although transforming your life can be extremely challenging, it can be exciting and rewarding at the same time.
Transforming your life involves going beyond the way you live. It requires immense patience and discipline to create a better life for yourself. You need to have an unwavering self-confidence in your ability to be able to make significant and positive changes in your life. If you want to transform your life, you will have to become the master of your own destiny.
The process of transforming your life starts with shifting the way that you think in. You need to change your perspective and act from a new and more empowering perspective because your mindset has the power to change your entire life for the better. Emerge out of your self-absorbed cocoon, and search for a greater purpose for your life. Welcome new acquaintances and connections into your life who give you positive vibes and helps you change your outlook towards life. Develop good and fulfilling habits to bring about the desired change.
Accept yourself for the person you are. Embrace all your flaws and imperfections and forgive yourself for your mistakes and failures. Never lose sight of yourself because you will succeed in making changes only if they come from a place of self-respect rather than self-loathing.
Next, you need to have a strong desire that will propel you to achieve the purpose of your life. If you are serious about transforming your life, determine your values and then make a decision accordingly. Once you have made up your mind to usher in change into your life, commit to it.
Start with small changes and move on to a bigger step gradually. Always remember that the smallest changes can transform who you are and your life.
But it's not until you take action that change happens. Action makes your transformation deeper. So instead of procrastinating, start early and give each of the steps the time it needs. Every action leads to results and it is the result that finally helps you transform your life.
Lastly, be grateful. We generally tend to take the gift of life for granted which leads to pessimism and then to depression. So learn to be grateful for the things that you have instead of cribbing about what you don't. Gratitude opens doors for you and helps you welcome better things into your life.
The journey of life is never a straight line for anybody. Your life will have its own share of highs and lows. Failure and struggle are synonymous with life. But always keep in mind that the prerogative to change life for the better lies with you. It starts and ends with you.
Are you looking for a change in life? Then let me help you transform your life for the better.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Discovering and Understanding Your Life Purpose

What is it that you're missing in your life? What is it that you'd most like to have? Would you like more love, more freedom, more peace?
In life, we strive and fight in our lives to get whatever it is that we believe we need or want. We reach personal and professional goals and acquire what we can afford. But is that what life is really about? Is that what makes our soul thrive and feel happy? Is it what makes me satisfied and complete?
Look inside you. What are you missing? What haven't you got enough of? What would you like to have more of? What do you dream of having?
If your life ended today, what would you be sorry you never got? What would you miss?
If you dream of having things, what need are those things trying to satisfy? What do they give you? What do they make you feel, power, satisfaction, peace... ? If you dream of reaching goal after goal, what does success mean to you? What does it give you? Those things and goals are your way to satisfy your personal needs and those needs somehow mask what you most desire. Ask yourself, then, what it is that your being most wants, what it is that you crave day after day, what is it that would make you feel complete and whole.
Once you know, why not turn that into your life purpose? Imagine planning your days and actions with that general purpose in mind. Everything you do then has that ultimate purpose. Your life immediately adopts a new meaning. Imagine you choose "peace" as your life purpose.Whenever dealing with others, you will now target peace as the highest goal. Your relationships will have that ultimate goal. And so will your work. And your leisure time. And your everyday actions, And the objectives you wish to reach. And your conversations... If you then ever feel bad for whatever reason, ask yourself: am I still pursuing my purpose or did I go astray from it? Your life purpose becomes your inner compass, your north, your direction to follow no matter what. If you deviate from it, you will feel bad because you will not be aligned with it. Which is the same reason that will lead you to returning to it and resuming it. Once your life purpose is defined, it is much easier to return to it. This step that I'm taking, this conversation that I'm having, this action that I'm undertaking... is aligned with my purpose? Is making me move forward? If not, what do I need to do to change it?
Give yourself the gift of this life compass. Don't you see how your life is changed? Pick your purpose and re-focus your life.
Enjoy life... ALL of it,
Discover humanology Understand human beings
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Monday, December 17, 2018

RETRAIN YOUR MIND - NEW Motivational Video (very powerful)

Explore, Dream, Discover

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

Mark Twain

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Who's In Charge In Your Life?

Whatever we chose to do in life, we chose it because we expect to gain something in exchange. If I snap at my daughter when she does something wrong, I do it because I expect her to change her behavior. When I let others tell me what to do, I accept it because I expect them to guide me better than I would. When I drink too much it is because I want to forget or have fun. We all do it. We do things because we expect rewards: good ones or bad ones, pleasure or pain. We do things to obtain pleasure. We do things to avoid pain. We provoke situations that will hopefully yield what we think we want or need. A baby cries when asking for something. An adult insults, teases or praises others because he or she wants something, too.
Most of us are not aware of our doing this when pain is involved. We don't realize that we're doing things to avoid an even greater pain. Let me illustrate it. Some people put up with a job they hate or an abusive boss because the pain of being rejected somewhere else would be too big. Or because the pain of being unemployed would hurt too much. They'd rather put up with the pain of their nasty days than risk suffering even more.
In that sense, we're all in charge of our own lives and decisions. We all choose what we have.
When the choosing is consciously done, we are in charge. When we are not aware that we are choosing, we become victims. We blame others. We think the world is doing that to us.
In the example I mentioned above, staying at that job out of fear without realizing that we are choosing to do so turns us into victims. We feel sorry for ourselves. We let others decide for us. And resent them for it. We feel powerless. But there always is a choice. Always. Even in the worst circumstances. Even in the most abusive ones. And whenever we do the choosing, we stop being victims and take control of our lives.
Another example I'd like to give you has to do with me. Quite a few years ago I had some car accidents (yes, in the plural) that really damaged my back and kept me in me acute, chronic pain on both legs and my back for seven whole years, every single day. I could barely walk and my doctors told me that a wheelchair was unavoidable. One could argue that I was the victim because the accidents hadn't been provoked by me. I'd say that my victimization started the moment I didn't accept my situation and decided to suffer from it.
But as soon as I chose to control my life even under those circumstances, I stopped being the victim. I couldn't walk everyday, true, but I could do tons of things still. And I did. I also found new doctors and let go of my old way of life.
Today I am still disabled and enjoy a magnificent, very fulfilling life. Yes, there are days when I'm in physical pain and can't walk or do walk with a sever limp. But I am alive and happy.
Some people say that I resign myself to my new life style. I disagree. Resignation would be accepting my reality and nothing else. But I'm proactively improving it. That's the key, the difference. I choose to improve my life every day, to enjoy it every minute, even when in pain. That is my choice. That is why I'm not a victim but in control.
I refuse to be a victim of my circumstances again. I am not my circumstances. And circumstances can always be changed. I choose pleasure, not pain. Even if the pain looks familiar.
What do you choose?
Enjoy life... ALL of it,
Discover humanology, optimism coaching, personal essence and much more
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Friday, December 14, 2018

Why Inspiration Is The Breath of Life

The thought that inspiration is the breath of life is not new. In fact, it's embedded in our social consciousness as an artifact that dates back to the root of the word itself. The word holds a tremendous amount of power that has been diluted over time reflecting the transition of human consciousness from oneness to individuation.
When we think of the word(s) inspire/ inspiration, it often means we're looking for something outside of ourselves to give us that push, extra nudge, or spark of an idea that will lead to some sort of accomplishment. Sometimes the words are used in reference to another, as if some behavior you exhibit might be the motivating force for someone else.
This is where things get tricky. There is a tendency for people to want to use the words "(to) motivate" and "(to) inspire" interchangeably. The desired outcome is to change a behavior, either in oneself or in someone else. The critical difference is that motivation is an energy that comes from inside the self. In other words, you can become motivated to do something with the right energetic force, but you cannot motivate someone else because you are standing outside of his or her internal energetic system.
The Root of Inspiration
Inspiration, on the other hand, is all about moving energy in the direction of another being. In fact, the English word inspiration originated from 13th century Old French inspiracion "inhaling, breathing in" and Late Latin inspirare "blow into, breathe upon," as in- "in" + spirare (spirit) "to breathe."
This sense of the word is the underlying concept behind some of the metaphorical phrases we use involving "breath."
  • When we are stressed we need a breath of fresh air.
  • When we are frustrated, we don't hold/ waste our breath.
  • When we are excited, something or someone can take our breath away.
  • When you feel pressures, you might feel as though someone is breathing down your neck.
  • When you want to make something anew, you breathe new life into it.
  • If you want to keep something secret, you don't breath a word.
Inspiration is Spirit Inside
The connection between the word inspiration and the relationship to "breath" as the source of life and flow of energy can be found in several Biblical references as well. For instance, the Hebrew word for inspiration is "nish'mat", pronounced [nesh-aw-maw] and is used several times throughout the Old Testament with the first occurrence appearing in Genesis 2:7.
waYiytzer y'hwäh élohiyim et-häädäm äfär min-häádãmähwaYiPach B'aPäyw nish'mat chaYiymway'hiy häädäm l'nefesh chaYhäh
English Translation:
And (Yähwé) God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Many scholarly interpretations of this verse suggest the significance lies not just in the notion that God is the source of life, which is sustained through breath, but that the energy that comes through breath is the inspiration that gives us both a connection to and understanding of spirit.
The Shift in Meaning
A quick look at the Merriam-Webster dictionary demonstrates how the meaning of the word inspiration has shifted from a divine right (re: the breath of life) to something that is acquired. In fact, the dictionary even notes the sense "to breath into" is an archaic meaning.
The modern interpretation is:
  • A divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation;
  • The action or power of moving the intellect or emotions;
  • The act of influencing or suggesting opinions.
(Source: )
This shift in meaning is a reflection of a collective thought system that embraces separation and worthiness. The emphasis is no longer on the life force and spiritual energy of breath. Rather, it focuses on the specialness of receiving divine intervention, which is only available to individuals who have the "quality" to receive it.
An even more common meaning, though, is that of influence (force) on one another.
The Need to Re-Align with the Source of Life
The word inspiration holds the vibrational energy necessary to re-align human consciousness with the source of life and breath is the medium through which it can be attained. Those who have a daily meditation practice know that focusing on breath is the key to self-awareness and accessing the higher self.
Guided breathing is also a powerful tool for calming an anxious mind and bringing the physical body back to a state of homeostasis.
Teresa Meehan, Ph.D. Professional Life Coach
View the article in its entirety, along suggestions for mindful practices at
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Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Five Keys to Gaining Absolute Self-Confidence

True self-confidence comes from belief in oneself and through action that proves the belief. Today, based on what I've found out about self-confidence, I am able to do things that at one time I didn't think I would ever do or could do. Now I feel like I can conquer the world! Let me take to you back to my childhood and give you an insight into the "old me."
When I was a child, both my father and my teachers thought I was "dumb and stupid." In their minds they thought that I was mentally retarded and an IQ test "proved to them" that I was. Though, such tests do not take into account stress from outside factors that contribute to a lower score. And when you add in the fact that I stuttered, it only made my so-called "dumbness" worse and led to my self-confidence to drop even further at that time.
And yet, doing things that proved otherwise was key for me getting to a higher level of confidence. My martial arts training and playing Pop Warner football both helped. I also realized I was good at creating new ideas. So I went with those factors in building up my own confidence. The speaking to others would have to wait when I was ready to express myself.
Eventually I discovered my self-confidence in the speaking arena too. What I won't tell you that simply giving unwarranted praise will build self-confidence. It won't. What I'm going to share here are five keys I discovered in gaining absolute self-confidence and that will help you too:
1. Believe with all your might that you are worthy. When you believe in yourself, you will start to behave that you deserve all that life has to offer. It's also the path towards confident action.
2. Action is king in creating the neuroconnections of self-confidence. Part of the action process is creating the physiology of confidence. Imagine how a very confident person would stand, walk and/or carry themselves. Now, imagine you doing the same thing and then do it.
3. Make mistakes. The more you make and when you learn from them, the more confident you will get. Finding out what works and what doesn't work in a given situation will increase know-how. It's a fallacy that people have what is known as "common sense." It all depends on the experiences one has regarding a given situation that will give them the sense necessary for it. Until and unless you have that experience and knowledge, it's not "common sense" to you.
4. Surround yourself with supportive people. That may include friends, mentors, associates and even customers/clients. I get much from my clients all the time. When they are successful after a suggestion I make, then it helps to build confidence in me.
5. Keep a scrapbook, binder of accomplishments, newspaper articles, testimonials, and so forth that showcase YOU! Just like trophies and medals won by athletes, this will serve as a reminder to you that you can do things worthy of big praise. While this is external in nature, it does serve to affect your subconscious mind. If you've written a book, keep that around in the same regard.
Now, take each of the keys and start developing the self-confidence you want in your life. Remember this, the more you do to build self-confidence, the more you will get it. And keep doing it! BTW, the new me has earned two doctorates, a 5th degree blackbelt in Kenpo (and other blackbelts), wrote books, created successful (and some not so successful) business ventures and so much more!
Peak performance is simply being able to do what you do at a high level. This takes a combination of high level thinking, mental toughness and physical fitness. Even a slight change in performance can mean massive change in the long run. If you are simply 5% better, you'll see massive differences that are exponentially higher than 5%. Especially if you increase by 5% in your mental toughness and your fitness. If you're looking for experts that can help you get there, then subscribe to newsletter at for regular updates.
Bob Choat is America's #1 Mind-Body Transformation Expert, author of 'Mind Your Own Fitness', speaker and co-owner of Optimal Life Seminars along with Dr. Lori Shemek, Ph.D. He can be reached at, via email: or call 818-620-2494
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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Realize Your Road to Success - Smell the Roses Throughout the Process, Choose the Road Less Traveled

***Everyone and everything was meant to be loved, respected, and successful. Realize with open eyes that there is a gifting, uplifting smell of roses waiting for you, in the wings, when you set your sights to travel along the road less traveled. Study, learn, work hard, and do the right things in order to accommodate or accomplish your goals and dreams! It is a quintessential reward for you alone to reap, by all of the hard work you achieved. Success is found in the form of brightly colored, ornately designed or displayed, fluorescent attributes called roses. Roses are the form or gift that is given upon a well deserved or desired accomplishment, or even upon completing a satisfactory feat to some degree.
One of the simple reasons that we do not buy or send roses everyday is because they are expensive, valuable, uniquely refined and are usually gifted with a lot of forethought and command justice or merit. ***Roses serve as a form of congratulatory recognition.
If you are bold and brave enough to travel and successfully realize your particular road to success, I urge you to smell the roses. Even your smallest feats and accomplishments merit a self-imposed gift of roses. Reward all of your accomplishments and effort, especially those that are taxing and draining.
Sing songs of acceptance to yourself about the wealth of empowerment or improvement your life road has taught you. Sing songs that caution or display what your experience taught you to sing. As you sing on key sing or create a flowery song or verse, be apprised that your foresight or hindsight wasn't wrong. Throughout the entire road of processing experience, patience and perseverance you got wiser. Don't dismay. Appreciate what you learned, throughout the hurdles, unfair competition and challenges. Know your value, that you and ALL OF YOUR OUTSTANDING DEMANDING EFFORTS WERE ASTRONOMICAL AND VALUABLE!
Success is a road less traveled because it takes a lot of drive, ingenuity and let's face facts folks, there is unjust or unfair people out there that are not making the road along your journey any easier.
Whether thieves are plagiarizing, stealing or deleting your efforts along the road to success does not dismiss the fact that you need to do some weeding and cutting of chords. Remove and release any thorns that are dead and don't belong along your road to success. You must assuredly dislodge or disavow people or events that serve no good or genuine attention or purpose.
There should never be people, in the form of obstacles, that take away your Intellectual property, your organization of words, your work, or your ONLINE DISTINGUISHABLE identity to solicit or distribute your ideas, name recognition or property illegally for unlawful financial advancement, aggrandizement or gain. Do you agree with that? Doesn't matter. If you find that you are not being respected in your own online activity, personal life, home life, or on the public forum also known as the world -wide web, well then, "Houston, we have a problem!"
There are roads that lead to dead ends or charlatans and thieves that will exploit your kindness or lack of experience in marketing. In life there are many roads to travel. There are the roads less traveled because of the time and effort required to drive yourself successfully. Some roads are winding and narrow and may take a years of consistent, constant time, effort and originality and is necessary for keeping your desire and drive in continuous motion. Most of the regular or usual roads are easily driven, broad, bold and readily accessible to anyone who is cable of commuting. I dare you,"Choose to be original and different!" Broad and open roads do not lead to fulfilling your dreams. I ask you to consider yourself as the driving force that can align itself to realizing the road to lifelong success and happiness. Travel the road less traveled with me and watch the streets that you pass over or visit be aligned with beautiful roses, in bright beautifully amazing, and mind-blowing originality.
Be the best original example of how you are the driving force of your own success. Take a few moments a day to relax and engage the view of what your hard work has rendered for you, your continuous efforts with awesome blossoms of roses, tulips, daisies. Stop to enjoy the power of a sunflower, grown especially for you!
Every rose-lined road is unique and beautiful! Watch as you embrace and imbibe the smell of a hard won victory through your continuity, methodical effort and honest living. They, the rose roads, look and smell wonderful to you, me and to anyone else who chooses to work throughout the process of traveling the road to success. Only a thief, cheater, liar, and person of advanced age does the same thing over and over again expecting that driving along the road of cheating, stalking, and spying is a short-cut or a way to the road of success. The road of stolen and fleeting success is a dead -end. The stalker, spy and plagiarizing way of succeeding is by lying and cheating, and he actually knows that this kind of thinking is actually insane. He or they weren't expecting to get caught. Know this: Whatever you do, good or bad will catch up to you. The cheater, stalker and liar of advanced action and age, goes around getting enraged by the success of the honest,hard work performed by another and not by themselves. There is no sane or normal reason other than they mask and make excuses, evade the subject and skirt the issues by making confrontation speeches as self-defense and is gibberish and talk that is all about themselves. They throw a pity party and talk about how they are offended by the victim who was constantly stalked, blocked and censored by them. The victim is now looking down upon them. In reality, the liar and thief of advanced age is so full of hate and deceit that he even hates and deceives himself. How much more insane can anything be? You be the judge, let the jury deliberate, hmmm, wonder how this is gonna play out?
Those who chose to travel the road to success in dignity and finesse always receive their roses in the end! Traveling the road to success will drive you to higher plateaus of creativity, originality or enable you and YOU ALONE to travel the road alone! Enjoy the smell of roses growing and flowering for many years and many generations that will succeed you and me through the birth of our posterity and many more generations after them!
*I enjoy learning from you and from others offering me knowledge continuously!~
***Freelance Writer of Inspirational Articles, Motivational Speaker and Writer of catchy, trending, poetry- Advertising and more! You pick the venue and I will expertly write it for you!***You can reach me via U.S. mail in Orlando, Florida.~ Writing is my hearts genuine desire to reach the masses and teach, share, learn, motivate, or engage my readers in an original, poetic, whimsical or informative discipline. Thanks for reading this article. I invite you to follow me on my personal website, or on Twitter.** Namaste,

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What Most Schools Don't Teach

Monday, December 10, 2018

10 Ideas to Help You Stay Motivated

I often wonder what motivates us to stay productive. It's one thing to produce a positive result and yet another to consistently repeat that positive action. Only motivation, which comes from two sources, can keep us consistent.
1. Our own internal drive, self-talk and attitude. How we speak to and treat ourselves affects what we are able to accomplish.
2. External influence from family, friends, leaders and other people we look up to or hold in high regard. The advice or guidance we receive from others affects what we feel about ourselves and our capabilities.
The question is, what direction does the motivation take us in? One that leads to positive, productive results or not. It is up to us to very intentionally make adjustments to what we allow into our thoughts/minds. We must make decisions about that kind of talk we entertain and learn to discard negative thoughts or words.
Below are 10 thought-provoking ideas I feel lead us in the right direction.
1. Showing up is largely a result of self-motivation.
Absolutely! If we don't motivate ourselves to get moving it's harder to show up or be present during our normal daily activities. Our motivation should discard any negative feelings that prevent us from showing up to meet our commitments.
2. A positive attitude fuels inner drive.
Try it! There's no doubt that when we're positive, we get more done with less effort.
3. There's power in words. We should speak positively about ourselves and others.
Words are powerful when used right they motivate and encourage. We must always consider the result or outcome of our words before we speak.
4. Self-discipline over a period of time yields desired results.
There are tougher challenges in pursuing self-discipline than we realize. The results however are powerful and priceless - let's stay focused.
5. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how long the tunnel.
There will be moments when we are tried and tested personally and professionally. We have to focus on where we need to be, our finish line, in order to stay motivated and productive while going through the tunnel.
6. We know we are motivated when we consistently go the extra mile.
Internal motivation coupled by the external push from supporters and those who cheer us on fuels us to keep going.
7. Creativity helps build confidence & ownership.
Thinking outside the box and curiosity drives us to greater heights.
8. To be productive and efficient we must stay informed.
Having the right information at the right time motivates us to pursue our goals. We must seek and desire to gain the knowledge consistently.
9. We experience greater satisfaction when our work speaks for itself.
Actions speak louder than words. The results of the action we take to back up our words keeps us motivated. "Well done is better than well said." ~Benjamin Franklin
10. We are motivated by leaders that are authentic and engaged.
It's important to form relationships and/or follow leaders that motivate us to be better. Strive for excellence.

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Njanja Mathu Gakuru

Saturday, December 8, 2018

You Are Not What Happens To You, But You Become How You Respond To It

You are not what happens to you but it is how you respond to it that shapes your future. Listen, we've all had bad things happen, some more than others, yet that doesn't diminish the events of the past. Perhaps you retreated into yourself to find solace and meaning on why the events took place. Stop! Stop trying to make sense of what happened because we spend unnecessary mental and emotional energy trying to figure out life.
To rationalise life logically is a battle we seldom win. What makes me certain of this you ask? Having coached hundreds of people over the past decade and through my own ordeals, I've come to realise that making sense of what happens to us is a futile battle that only results in pain and disappointment. The mental and emotional energy is better spent trying to find solutions instead of contextualising its meaning. Life is not what happens to us, it is how we respond and grow from the experiences that shapes our destiny. It is what the American Zen Buddhist teacher Joan Halifax means when she writes in Standing at the Edge: Finding Freedom Where Fear and Courage Meet about accepting everything that shows up in our life including the difficult moments: "I have come to see the profound value of taking in the whole landscape of life and not rejecting or denying what we are given. I have also learned that our waywardness, difficulties, and "crises" might not be terminal obstacles. They can actually be gateways to wider, richer internal and external landscapes."
Does this make sense because it's worth spending time to understand you are not what happens to you but who you become because of it? The events of the past took place based on your level of awareness. Put simply, if you want to do large-scale renderings using the latest Adobe Illustrator program on an 80's built computer, the program might require more than what the computer can process. However, if you upgrade your hardware, it can perform these functions easier. Our troubles and disappointments occur because our level of awareness does not match the experience taking place.
So if our significant other breaks up with us, it doesn't mean there's something wrong with us, only our growth at the time was not a match to maintain the relationship. If we lose our job or our health suffers, it is because our level of consciousness is not at the level to sustain those things. A popular aphorism states: "To grow thyself, know thyself." As we grow in consciousness, we develop the ability to give more of ourselves and attract circumstances consistent with our level of consciousness. It is why the rich and wealthy are rich and wealthy. They've developed a wealth and prosperity consciousness owing to years of self-improvement and personal growth. It is why those who are fit and healthy maintain healthy lives because they've developed a consciousness to sustain that way of being. And this is a very important principle because if we improve ourselves, we undoubtedly see the results manifest in our lives.
I hope this idea resonates with you because it is necessary understanding this principle. The message is that nothing happens to us which we don't allow, irrespective of whether we are conscious or unconscious. The latter is problematic because if we are oblivious to our motives, we make automated decisions not congruent with our greater self. Considering this, reflect on your own life, particularly the past. Have there been times when your career, health or relationships suffered because of what you were certain of?
I recall more than a dozen examples of what I knew with certainty, was incomplete. Often, what we think we know about life can lead us down a trail of self-destruction. It is when we let go of preconceived ideas of how life should be that we experience life becoming itself. Life knows what it needs to become and if we are attached to how this should unfold, we limit its potential to occur. It is in releasing and renewing we discover the essence of our life's narrative. The lesson here is that your circumstances whether past or present do not make up who you are, but adds a narrative to who you will become. This, my friends, determines the future you're destined to live.
To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. Download a FREE copy of my motivational eBook, NAVIGATE LIFE and embark upon your journey of greatness today!

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Thursday, December 6, 2018

Why Things Happen?

Things do not happen. They are bound to happen. Expect problems along the way. Remember, opportunity does not knock, it presents itself when you beat down the door. Do you remember at one point in your life that there were things that have happened to you, either healthy or unhealthy.It all happened for a few larger reasons - whether or not as a result of God's plan, or as a result of what happened was somehow your fate.
I do believe that everything happens for a reason. In fact, these circumstances shape our own individual path by the choices we make every day. At times, it should appear that these occurrences were destined to be in our lives. Everything that happens to an individual affects them and shapes their entire life. In other words, everything happens for us to learn from and mold us to become better individuals.
Unexpected events in our lives happens for a reason but it depends on how we see things clearly. Life is packed with positive things, however many of us perpetually see them as dangerous. Everything comes at the right time. There are days that could be a challenge to beat; however, we ought to see the great facet of things like gifts, lessons, or opportunities to own a more robust life. typically things happen to us which will appear ugly, painful, and unfair initially, however in reflection we discover that while not overcoming those obstacles we haven't accomplished our potential, strength, willpower, or heart.
Nothing happens by smart luck. If somebody hurts you, betrays you, or breaks your heart, forgive them, for they helped you learn about what trust is about and the importance of being cautious to open your heart. Finally, if you like somebody tell them, you will never know what tomorrow may have in store.
When folks have to be compelled to deal with tough things in their lives, they often reassure themselves by communicating that everything happens for a reason. For some, thinking this fashion makes it easier to touch upon relationship issues, monetary crises, disease, death, and even natural disasters like earthquakes. It will be distressing to suppose that unhealthy things happen simply through probability or accident.
Even if events that have an effect on human lives don't happen by statistical probability. Several of them ought to be viewed as happening by chance, within the sense that they're the inconceivable results of the intersection of freelance causative chains. Psychological analysis has known many ways to make resilience in people and teams, like developing problem solving skills and powerful social networks. Life will be extremely significant notwithstanding some things that happen simply by accidents. Stuff happens!
I realized that this is true for any major stepping stone in my career. We've got to place within the time and work slowly to push that boulder up hill. Each very little success is a sort of ridge you'll build from, or another stone in crossing the stream of success.
If you are trying to force success you'll solely find yourself annoying folks and shutting doors that were open or opportunities that you just could've had. Life is a series of events which will either hinge upon each other or collapse ahead of you, counting on however you treat them. If you respect these events and use them fastidiously as stepping stones, then, there's no stopping you.
Just like sleep, life can return whether or not you are trying to force it. It's most likely best to not to worry yourself about it.
When unexpected events occur, we realize in an exceedingly moment of inarticulate horror that everything happens for a reason. In fact, there will always be a reason why we meet people. Either we need them to change our life or we're the one that will change theirs.

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How to Be Happy - Secrets to Happiness

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

15 Habits of Extremely Happy People

Happiness is every person's goal in life. Even though most people have no idea of what to do to be happy and what happiness really adds up to. We all strive to stay relevant to our goal.
1. They are not self-absorbed
This is a person that generally does not make everything about themselves. They are open-minded and allow their thinking to go beyond their heads. They welcome other people's suggestions and criticism. They don't take other people's opinions about them personally. They build their character based on well-thought out choices and opinions. They positively accept correction from people and also appreciate other people's way of life.
2. They are appreciative and contented
Being contented and showing appreciation is a character trait that most people don't have. They take a lot of things for granted not knowing they deprive themselves of the small joys of the world. Being able to appreciate someone else for how they have dressed, made their hair, their new pair of shoes, being able to see the other person laugh and smile and having contributed to them having a nice day is even a greater way of being happy.
3. Making alone time and meditating
This is a vital part of being happy and knowing yourself better. Having alone time helps one check on their character, know what makes them happy, sad, set life goals, etc. When meditating, one learns what to focus on with life, what makes their life better and how to better themselves. Making sure to have some alone time also keeps someone in a peaceful mood and helps them to face their fears.
4. Doing things that make them genuinely happy
Being happy is a full-time job, so each of us needs to find what genuinely makes them happy and avoid hypocrisy. Doing what genuinely makes you happy will help someone from harboring hate and toxic feelings caused by forced happiness and pretending to be happy for everyone else's sake. Most people have an illusion of happiness and they don't try and find genuine happiness or what activities genuinely make them happy. So they end up feeling unfulfilled and sad. So, finding genuine activities that make you happy is a great step to being extremely happy.
5. Having a positive attitude towards life
Life brings a lot of challenges with it and the sad part is life challenges are inevitable. People have to find better ways to cope with that. People with positive mindsets have it easier when difficulties come to their path. They see problems as challenges that they have to face to pass a given stage and enable them to relate to things in a better way. Those who are afraid of challenges will always feel condemned and sad because they never know their way through.
6. Being at peace with yourself, friends, associates, and family
You should try, as much as possible, to be at peace with those close to you. These include friends, family, work associates and, even your partner. These people play a major role, what they do can directly affect.
7. Enjoying every moment
Most people take for granted moments spent with other people; either playing, out for coffee or chilling in the house and even time spent with their family. They fail to maximize the fun they would have had during these times. This is also a way of harboring regrets and unfulfilled moments that people have. Hence having bad days and tough times.
8. Respecting yourself and not settling for mediocre
People who know what they want in life don't settle. They know their purpose, set goals and work towards them. Despite the challenges they might face on their way to success, such people don't give up. They are grounded and they don't settle for mediocre results that are unfulfilling to them. They know their self-worth and they work at achieving what they set their minds to.
9. Staying healthy
Health is a major contributor to happiness. This entails having good eating habits. Make sure you have a balanced diet, take lots of water and make sure your meals are hygienically prepared. This will help you avoid sicknesses and stay healthy. Exercises also helps people stay in shape and avoid diseases caused by unhealthy eating, it also helps someone unwind and feel relaxed. Ensuring one is clean by bathing, putting on makeup, perfume. This helps boost someone's confidence and makes them feel good about themselves.
10. Rewarding and feeling good about yourself
Everyone loves gifts and being appreciated. Most people forget that you can buy yourself gifts, appreciate yourself and feel good about it. We all have our shameful struggles or our bad habits that we aren't proud of. When you stop a bad habit and no one notices, treat yourself out, buy yourself some new belt. People might not know how big a deal the situation was or how much you struggled with it. Awarding, and giving yourself credit for it, is not a bad thing. This will help you see yourself as an achiever and will also boost your self-confidence.
11. Surrounding yourself with people and things that bring positivity in your life
The people and things someone surrounds themselves with say a lot about them. They highly contribute to someone's character and thinking. If you surround yourself with people who are always about the positive side of life and encouraging one another to be better versions of themselves, then there are high chances that that is the kind of person you will be. This character building technique is important in our lives. You should be careful who you relate with because they influence you in a wonderful way.
12. Treating people with kindness, respect and being happy for them
One can create happiness by seeing other people happy. This is also a way of trying to live a fulfilling life. Help people out when you can, reach out to them when they need your help. Visit the patients in hospitals, help out in orphanages, give food to the homeless. You feel fulfilled when you are able to make someone smile and be happy. Treat your friend who delivered a presentation. These are some of the ways in which being kind and helpful to others can bring to you happiness through these simple gestures.
13. Not comparing yourself with other people
Comparing yourself, your personal achievements and successes with those of other people is not a healthy way of being happy. Most people forget that everyone is totally different from others and we all have different struggles in life. Comparing yourself to other people is an injustice to yourself and you end up degrading yourself and end up leading some sad, unmeaningful life. You should try and better yourself from what you have. You should not consider another person's success makes them better than you for any reason. Focus on bettering yourself on what makes you happy and fulfilled. Make your own path to achieving your goals and dreams.
14. Have life-improving goals
Most people settle for what they are offered even when deep down they know it is not what they want or deserve. This ends up making them feel less of a person or not fully recognized by people. Make sure you set goals that help you become a better person. Either mentally, financially or physically. Strive to make the best out of yourself and when faced with challenges don't despair. Make the best out of your worst experiences.
15. Allowing yourself to be human
We focus so much on other people and make considerations for them rather than for ourselves. We forget that we also hurt, feel, cry and make mistakes. A lot of people are so focused on their mistakes and setbacks, they forget that they also fall, fail and make mistakes, which is okay. They should accept that mistakes are inevitable, and you can always make the best out of them and learn something. Forgive yourself as often as possible, accept your faults and apologize when needed, or when you know you are at fault. Don't forget, you are just as human as everyone else and, just like them, you also can make mistakes and be at fault.
We are all entitled to being happy and finding fulfillment in whatever we decide to do with our lives. People should realize their happiness solely depends on their choices and perception about life and what it brings with it.
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